The practice participates in training 2 – 3 times per year via the Southern GP Federation.
What is it?
The Training Project will allow your GPs and their staff to meet together one afternoon 2 – 3 times per year to develop their skills as a team and keep themselves updated in new ways of meeting patients’ needs. There are over 100 similar schemes throughout the UK which have proved very successful.
Why do we need it?
Most doctors and staff who work in general practice and in the community find it very difficult to meet together as teams to learn together. Often they have to attend educational seminars in their own time in the evenings or weekends. Healthcare changes rapidly and it is important that people involved in caring for you are kept up to date. This is why the Training Project will be valuable as it will help the people who treat you to meet together to learn during working hours.
What will it mean for me?
It will mean that your GP surgery will close one afternoon up to a maximum of 8 times per year to allow the doctors, nurses and other staff to attend training. If, while the surgery is closed on Training afternoons, you need a doctor in an EMERGENCY, you will be able to telephone the Out of Hours service. You will know the dates the surgery will be closed well in advance as it will be publicised in the surgery. It is very important that the doctors, nurses and other staff who are involved in your health care have the opportunity to keep up to date and to continually learn about new advances in treatment.
Out of Hours Emergency Number 028 38399201